We are together again … Now what?
Table of Contents Previous Chapter: Meeting your ex You are a thing again and hopefully you are stronger, better and more attractive than before. You have been patient, disciplined and in control of your emotions. This process did not only help you to get your ex back, it made you a stronger individual. Now what? First, continue to focus on yourself and improve yourself. Most second tries don’t work but this is because: The dumpee did not focus on improving themselves after the breakup Or they stopped improving themselves and went back to the old habits after getting their ex back. If you both go back to who you were before the breakup, the old problems would arise again and you would probably not last long. Second, I hope no contact rule showed you that your partner is not the source of your happiness or center of your life. Your partner is your companion not your center. You should be the center of your life. I don’t mean you selfishly focus on yourself but keep your desires, n...