My ex is OK to meet but only “as friends”

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When you ask to meet up, your ex may say something like this:

“Yes but we meet as friends.”

“My decision has not changed.”

Don’t let these affect you. If you hear these kind of stuff just tell this:

“Forget about the labels, just meet up and chat.”

“Forget about this topic, it is past now. Let’s chat and have a good time.”

If your ex reaches out, assume they want to see you. This does not mean they want to be with you again at that point. But don’t try to talk about this on the phone. You would prefer to meet up because you cannot display your attractiveness on the phone. You need to take the full package to a real life meeting.

Don’t forget, attraction is not a choice. Nature takes care of it. Your ex cannot say “I will be attracted to this person” or “I won’t be attracted to this person”. Well they may say that but chemistry is more powerful than thoughts. You were dumped because you were not attractive enough for your ex. Your ex probably fought with it but chemistry won. Chemistry almost always wins. Arrange that meeting and be attractive.

Yes sometimes your ex cannot cope with your void and would want you to fill it. They want you to fill it at least until they get over it. They may be calling and bringing this friendship up because they may require emotional support.

Don’t refuse to meet up with your ex if they want to be friends with you but of course don’t buy into the friendship. Friend-zone is a sad place but friend-zone of your ex is a desperate place.

When you meet up, don’t behave like a friend. If they insist then you can use the lines we covered in the “Staying friends with ex” section.

Friendship offer may be a test and you should approach it as a test. Don’t be emotional when you hear friendship or “firmness” of their decision. First ignore it and flirt with your ex and if this comes up again firmly tell them this:

“Thank you but I don’t want to be friends with you, I want to have a relationship. Friendship will not work for me. But if you change your mind please let me know.”


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